Berlin 2008 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
DS 35: Nanostructured block copolymer films (SYSA 8)
Donnerstag, 28. Februar 2008, 17:00–18:30, H 2032
17:00 |
DS 35.1 |
Nanostructure and transport in regioregular polythiophenes and their block copolymers — Rui Zhang, Bo Li, Jessica R. Cooper, Mihaela Iovu, Genevevie Sauve, David N. Lambeth, Detlef-M. Smilgies, Richard D. McCullough, and •Tomasz Kowalewski
17:30 |
DS 35.2 |
Morphological control in organic electronic devices using semiconductor block copolymers — •Sven Hüttner, Michael Sommer, Ullrich Steiner, and Mukundan Thelakkat
17:45 |
DS 35.3 |
Creating nano-structured films from self-encapsulated inorganic-organic hybrid materials — J. Perlich, M. Memesa, J.S. Gutmann, and •P. Müller-Buschbaum
18:00 |
DS 35.4 |
Thin films of diblock copolymers having one crystalline block — •Charles Darko, Ioan Botiz, Günter Reiter, Dag W. Breiby, Jens W. Andreasen, Detlef-M. Smilgies, Stephan V. Roth, and Christine M. Papadakis
18:15 |
DS 35.5 |
Temperature dependent X-ray diffraction studies of low and high molecular weight Poly(3-hexylthiophene) P3HT fractions — •Siddharth Joshi, Souren Grigorian, Ullrich Pietsch, Patrick Pingel, Achmad Zen, Michael Forster, and Ullrich Scherf