DF 15: Optical and nonlinear optical properties, photonics II
Donnerstag, 25. März 2010, 10:00–12:50, H11
10:00 |
DF 15.1 |
Photons meet sound waves — •Jan K Krüger and Roland Sanctuary
10:40 |
5 min. break
10:45 |
DF 15.2 |
Optical properties of Calcium Barium Niobate — •Urs Heine, Klaus Betzler, Manfred Burianek, and Manfred Muehlberg
11:05 |
DF 15.3 |
Investigation of nonlinear optical effects in strontium barium niobate — •Alexander Niemer, Rainer Pankrath, and Klaus Betzler
11:25 |
DF 15.4 |
Temperaturabhängigkeit des Optischen Schadens in Lithiumniobat-Kristallen* — •Niklas Waasem, Fabian Lüdtke, Mercedes Carrascosa und Karsten Buse
11:45 |
5 min. break
11:50 |
DF 15.5 |
Ionendurchstrahltes Lithiumniobat: Änderung optischer und elektrischer Materialeigenschaften* — •Niels Lennart Raeth, Lena Jentjens, Konrad Peithmann und Karl Maier
12:10 |
DF 15.6 |
Transient light–induced absorption in thermally reduced, periodically poled lithium niobate doped with yttrium — •Bettina Schoke, Mirco Imlau, Christoph Merschjann, Garbor Corradi, Katalin Polgar, and Inna Naumova
12:30 |
DF 15.7 |
Tunability of photoswitchable ruthenium sulfoxide compounds on the basis of ligand substitution — •Sebastian Eicke, Volker Dieckmann, Kristin Springfeld, and Mirco Imlau