16:00 |
HL 77.1 |
Topical Talk:
Theory of nonlinear phononics for coherent light-control of solids — •Antoine Georges, Alaska Subedi, and Andrea Cavalleri
16:30 |
HL 77.2 |
DFT+Frontier Orbital U — •Emine Kucukbenli and Nicola Marzari
16:45 |
HL 77.3 |
Quasiparticle self-consistent GW method with spin-orbit coupling applied to Bi and HgTe — •Christoph Friedrich, Irene Aguilera, Markus Betzinger, and Stefan Blügel
17:00 |
HL 77.4 |
Studies of semiconducting pyrite and marcasite compounds using many-body perturbation theory in the GW approximation — •Timo Schena, Gustav Bihlmayer, Christoph Friedrich, and Stefan Blügel
17:15 |
HL 77.4a |
Localized Resolution of Identity: Accurate and efficient evaluation of the coulomb operator for advanced functionals — •Arvid Conrad Ihrig, Jürgen Wieferink, Igor Ying Zhang, Sergey Levchenko, Matti Ropo, Patrick Rinke, Volker Blum, and Matthias Scheffler
17:30 |
HL 77.5 |
Probing d-band Quantum Well States in Palladium Nanofilms — •Srijan Kumar Saha, Sujit Manna, Marek Przybylski, Valeri Stepanyuk, and Jurgen Kirschener
17:45 |
HL 77.6 |
Implementation and analysis of a plane wave and real space pseudopotential method including an efficient spin-orbit coupling treatment tailored to calculate the electronic structure of large-scale semiconductor nanostructures — •Frank Zirkelbach, Pierre-Yves Prodhomme, Jerome Jackson, and Gabriel Bester
18:00 |
HL 77.7 |
Strong Parallelization of Real-Space DFT Calculations — •Andrea Nobile, Paul Baumeister, Daniel Wortmann, and Stefan Blügel
18:15 |
HL 77.8 |
Rare Earth Metals in Density-Functional Theory — •Marco Casadei, Xinguo Ren, Patrick Rinke, Angel Rubio, and Matthias Scheffler
18:30 |
HL 77.9 |
Electronic Structure and van der Waals Interactions in the Stability and Mobility of Point Defects in Semiconductors — •Wang Gao and Alexandre Tkatchenko
18:45 |
HL 77.10 |
Efficient Path-Integral Molecular Dynamics with High-Order Decomposition of the Boltzmann Operator — •Igor Poltavsky, Kim Kwang, and Alexandre Tkatchenko
19:00 |
HL 77.11 |
2D nanopatterns of shape-persistent molecular polygons on HOPG — •Stefan-S. Jester, Nina Schönfelder, Eva Sigmund, and Sigurd Höger