10:30 |
O 10.1 |
Growth, reconstruction and electronic band structure of ultrathin cuprous oxide Films on Ru(0001) — •Nicolas Braud, Jan Ingo Flege, Enrique G. Michel, Paolo Moras, and Jens Falta
10:45 |
O 10.2 |
Epitaxial growth of wurtzite CoO(0001) on Au(111) and conversion into rocksalt CoO(001) — •Maximilian Ammon, Lutz Hammer, Sara Baumann, Andreas Raabgrund, Tilman Kisslinger, Josef Redinger, and M. Alexander Schneider
11:00 |
O 10.3 |
Structural and electronic properties of single-layer CoO2 — •Ann-Julie Holt, Marco Bianchi, Jonathan Fernandez, Yu Zhang, Davide Curcio, Paolo Lacovig, Sahar Pakdel, Nicola Lanata, Jeppe Lauritsen, Silvano Lizzit, Philip Hofmann, and Charlotte Sanders
11:15 |
O 10.4 |
Strongly strained VO2 thin film growth — •Simon Fischer, Jan Ingo Flege, Michael Foerster, Lucia Aballe, Andrea Locatelli, Tevfik Onur Menteş, Jens Falta, and Jon-Olaf Krisponeit
11:30 |
O 10.5 |
Growth and Characterization of Calcium-Molybdate Thin Films on Mo(001) — Maike Lockhorn, Sergio Tosoni, Gianfranco Pacchioni, and •Niklas Nilius
11:45 |
O 10.6 |
Detecting Tiny Cation Nonstoichiometry in Complex Oxide Films — •Michele Riva, Giada Franceschi, Michael Schmid, and Ulrike Diebold
12:00 |
O 10.7 |
Non-stoichiometry segregation in perovskite oxides and its role for film growth — •Giada Franceschi, Michael Schmid, Ulrike Diebold, and Michele Riva
12:15 |
O 10.8 |
Fundamental asymmetry in the electronic reconstruction of polar LaMnO3/LaAlO3 vs. LaAlO3/LaMnO3 thin films on SrTiO3(001) — •Benjamin Geisler and Rossitza Pentcheva
12:30 |
O 10.9 |
Temperature-dependent SXRD from a two-dimensional oxide quasicrystal — •Sebastian Schenk, Stefan Förster, Marc de Boissieu, and Wolf Widdra
12:45 |
O 10.10 |
Oxide quasicrystal formation on Pd(111) — •Friederike Wührl, Oliver Krahn, Stefan Förster, and Wolf Widdra
13:00 |
O 10.11 |
Large-Scale Quasicrystal Approximants in the SrTiO3/Pt(111) System — •Oliver Krahn, Sebastian Schenk, Stefan Förster, and Wolf Widdra
13:15 |
O 10.12 |
Bulk and Interface Characteristics of NixCu1−xOy - An Alternative Inorganic Hole Transport Material Systems with Widely Tunable Optoelectronic Properties — •Lucas Bodenstein-Dresler, Adi Kama, Johannes Frisch, Claudia Hartmann, Anat Itzhak, Regan Wilks, Gary Hodes, David Cahen, and Marcus Bär
13:30 |
O 10.13 |
Surface diffusion of precursors in area-selective Atomic Layer Deposition — •Daniel Anders, Philip Klement, Jörg Schörmann, Christian Heiliger, and Sangam Chatterjee