15:15 |
HL 9.1 |
Systematische Untersuchung zum Strahlprofil von fokussierten Ionenstrahlen — •andre uhlemann, Alexander Melnikov, Rolf Wernhardt, and Andreas Wieck
15:15 |
HL 9.2 |
MOVPE of InN on nitridated sapphire and GaN templates — •M. Drago, C. Werner, P. Vogt, G. Manolis, M. Pristovsek, U. W. Pohl, M. Kneissl, and W. Richter
15:15 |
HL 9.3 |
Spin noise spectroscopy in GaAs — •M. Roemer, M. Oestreich, R.J. Haug, and D. Haegele
15:15 |
HL 9.4 |
Electrical Characterization of AlInN / GaN heterostructures grown by MOVPE — •C. Baer, H. Witte, A. Krtschil, C. Hums, J. Blaesing, A. Dadgar, and A. Krost
15:15 |
HL 9.5 |
Optical Investigation of AlN Layers and AlN Single Crystals — •Günther M. Prinz, Martin Feneberg, Christoph Kirchner, Sarad B. Thapa, Matthias Bickermann, Boris Epelbaum, Ferdinand Scholz, Klaus Thonke, and Rolf Sauer
15:15 |
HL 9.6 |
Spatial fluctuations of the local potential in Silicon doped GaAs — •K. Teichmann, S. Loth, M. Wenderoth, R. G. Ulbrich, and U. Kretzer
15:15 |
HL 9.7 |
To handicraft material systems with magnetic and semiconducting properties — •Safak Gök, Alexander Melnikov, Jun Ling Yang, and Andreas D. Wieck
15:15 |
HL 9.8 |
Magnetotransport of Ga1−xMnxAs on (001) and (311)A GaAs — •Ursula Wurstbauer, Matthias Reinwald, Matthias Döppe, Dieter Schuh, Dieter Weiß, and Werner Wegscheider
15:15 |
HL 9.9 |
Temperature Dependence of the Electron g Factor in GaAs — •Stefanie Döhrmann, Roland Winkler, Daniel Hägele, and Michael Oestreich
15:15 |
HL 9.10 |
Self-built molecular beam epitaxy system for III - V semiconductors — •K. Trounov, I. Kamphausen, D. Reuter, and A. D. Wieck
15:15 |
HL 9.11 |
Influence of the structural transition from Ga1−xMnxAs alloys to granular GaAs:Mn/MnAs hybrids probed by magneto-transport — •M. Elm, J. Teubert, P.J. Klar, W. Heimbrodt, M. Reinwald, and W. Wegscheider
15:15 |
HL 9.12 |
Why does the level-repulsion model fail in the vicinity of the GaNxP1−x indirect gap? — •M. Güngerich, P.J. Klar, W. Heimbrodt, G. Weiser, J.F. Geisz, C. Harris, A. Lindsay, and E.P. O Reilly
15:15 |
HL 9.13 |
Low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy on semiconductor samples grown by molecular beam epitaxy — •Selina Olthof, Oguzhan Gürlü, Giovanni Costantini, Armando Rastelli, Oliver G. Schmidt, M. Alexander Schneider, and Klaus Kern
15:15 |
HL 9.14 |
Carrier relaxation dynamics in annealed and hydrogenated (GaIn)(NAs)/GaAs quantum wells — •Torben Grunwald, Kristian Hantke, Jörg D. Heber, Sangam Chatterjee, Peter J. Klar, Kerstin Volz, Wolfgang Stolz, Antonio Polimeni, Mario Capizzi, and Wolfgang Rühle
15:15 |
HL 9.15 |
(InGa)As Oberflächenemitter mit horizontaler Kavität (HCSEL) — •Volker Gottschalch, Helmut Herrnberger, Tobias Gühne, Jaroslav Kovac jr., Gunnar Leibiger, Jaroslav Kovac, Rüdiger Schmidt-Grund, Joachim Zajadacz, Jens Dienelt, and Axel Schindler
15:15 |
HL 9.16 |
MOVPE-Wachstum von GaN Nadeln — •Matthias Shirnow, Volker Gottschalch, Gerald Wagner, Jens Bauer, Hendrik Paetzelt, and Jörg Lenzner
15:15 |
HL 9.17 |
AIIIBV Nano- und Mikroröhren verschiedener Orientierung und Struktur — •Hendrik Paetzelt, Volker Gottschalch, Jens Bauer, Helmut Herrnberger, and Gerald Wagner
15:15 |
HL 9.18 |
Oberflächenpassivierung von GaAs-Nanodrähten und Ladungsträgerconefinement durch Mantelstrukturen — •Jens Bauer, Volker Gottschalch, Hendrik Paetzelt, Gabriele Benndorf, and Gerald Wagner
15:15 |
HL 9.19 |
Optical orientation of electron spins by in-plane excitation of GaAs quantum wells — •Niels Ubbelohde, Stefan Pfalz, Roland Winkler, Daniel Hägele, and Michael Oestreich
15:15 |
HL 9.20 |
Slow, focused ion beam (FIB) meet high-purity layers: combined MBE-low-energy-FIB facility to creat shallow, overgrown doped layers — •Sinan Ünlübayir, Dirk Reuter, Alexander Melnikov, and Andreas D. Wieck
15:15 |
HL 9.21 |
Magnetotransport of p-type and n-type (B,Ga,In)As — •J. Teubert, P. J. Klar, W. Heimbrodt, and V. Gottschalch
15:15 |
HL 9.22 |
Thermopower measurements on n-type (Ga,In)(N,As) — •J. Teubert, P. J. Klar, W. Heimbrodt, K. Volz, W. Stolz, and P. Thomas
15:15 |
HL 9.23 |
Pulsed Laser Deposition growth and characterization of laterally arranged uniform ZnO nanowires — •Andreas Rahm, Thomas Nobis, Michael Lorenz, Gregor Zimmermann, Marius Grundmann, Bodo Fuhrmann, and Frank Syrowatka
15:15 |
HL 9.24 |
Cathodoluminescence Study of Zinc Oxide Nanopillars in a Field Emitter-SEM — •Martin Schirra, Anton Reiser, Andreas Ladenburger, Rolf Sauer, and Klaus Thonke
15:15 |
HL 9.25 |
Investigation of ZnO layers obtained by RBQE method — •Lia Trapaidze, Tamaz Butkhuzi, Tamar Khulordava, Lia Aptsiauri, Eka Kekelidze, Maia Sharvashidze, and Giorgi Natsvlishvili
15:15 |
HL 9.26 |
Confined optical modes in monolithic ZnSe-based pillar microcavities — •H. Lohmeyer, K. Sebald, C. Kruse, J. Gutowski, D. Hommel, J. Wiersig, N. Baer, and F. Jahnke
15:15 |
HL 9.27 |
Growth and characterization of Mn- and Co- doped ZnO nanowires — •Andreas Rahm, Evgeni M. Kaidashev, Heidemarie Schmidt, Mariana Diaconu, Andreas Pöppl, Rolf Böttcher, Christoph Meinecke, Tilman Butz, Michael Lorenz, and Marius Grundmann
15:15 |
HL 9.28 |
Synthesis and Characterisation of CdSe:Mn-nanoparticles — •Andreas Hofmann, Christina Graf, Reinhard Neder, Georg Schmidt, and Eckart Rühl
15:15 |
HL 9.29 |
The influence of native and impurity defects on the formation of radiative centres in ZnSe crystals — •Vadim Sirkeli, Galina Ivanova, Dmitrii Nedeoglo, and Natalia Nedeoglo
15:15 |
HL 9.30 |
Optical and vibrational properties of p-doped Zn1−xMnxTe-bulk material — •C. Kehl, M. Eyring, M. Lentze, T. Kießling, Le Van Khoi, J. Geurts, and W. Ossau
15:15 |
HL 9.31 |
Growth and Doping of ZnO Nanostructures on Different Substrate Materials — •Anton Reiser, Günther M. Prinz, Martin Schirra, Andreas Ladenburger, Martin Feneberg, Rolf Sauer, and Klaus Thonke
15:15 |
HL 9.32 |
Impact of As-doping on the optical properties of ZnO — •Martin Noltemeyer, Frank Bertram, Thomas Hempel, Silke Petzold, Jürgen Christen, Sören Giemsch, Armin Dadgar, and Alois Krost
15:15 |
HL 9.33 |
Doping of ZnS monocrystals by P ions — •Aptsiauri Lia, Kekelidze Eka, Trapaidze Lia, and Butkhuzi Tamaz
15:15 |
HL 9.34 |
Energy transfer processes between extended band states and Te-related localized states in ZnS1−xTex — •T. Niebling, P.J. Klar, and W. Heimbrodt
15:15 |
HL 9.35 |
Hydrogen-related shallow donors in zinc oxide studied by infrared absorption and photoconductivity — •F. Börrnert, E. V. Lavrov, and J. Weber
15:15 |
HL 9.36 |
Pseudopotential investigations of electronic and optical properties of wurtzite ZnO and GaN — •Daniel Fritsch, Heidemarie Schmidt, and Marius Grundmann
15:15 |
HL 9.37 |
Influence of confinement effects and carrier concentration on spin relaxation rates studied by spin-flip Raman spectroscopy on heavily doped (Zn,Mn)Se and (Cd,Mn)Te — •M. Lentze, L. C. Smith, D. Wolverson, P. Grabs, and J. Geurts
15:15 |
HL 9.38 |
Cathodoluminescence of PLD grown ZnO thin films: A comparison of experiment and simulation — •Robert Johne, Michael Lorenz, Holger Hochmuth, Jörg Lenzner, Holger von Wenckstern, Gabriele Benndorf, and Marius Grundmann
15:15 |
HL 9.39 |
Ferromagnetism in Zn(Mn,Sn)O and Zn(Mn,P)O films — •M. Diaconu, H. Schmidt, M. Fecioru-Morariu, G. Güntherodt, D. Spemann, H. Hochmuth, M. Lorenz, and M. Grundmann
15:15 |
HL 9.40 |
Integral electrical and micro-electrical investigations of ZnO thin films — •H. von Wenckstern, M. Brandt, H. Schmidt, G. Zimmermann, R. Johne, J. Lenzner, H. Hochmuth, M. Lorenz, and M. Grundmann
15:15 |
HL 9.41 |
Electrical characterization of ZnO grown by MOCVD on a multi-layer template — •Stephan Tiefenau, H. Witte, A. Krtschil, A. Dadgar, S. Giemsch, and A. Krost
15:15 |
HL 9.42 |
Photoluminescence studies of VPE-grown ZnO nanorods — •H. Gafsi, C. Bekeny, T. Voß, I. Rückmann, J. Gutowski, A. Che Mofor, A. Bakin, and A. Waag
15:15 |
HL 9.43 |
Composition Dependent Properties of Structured II-VI Semiconductor Nanoparticles — •Sofia Dembski, Christina Graf, Reinhard Neder, and Eckart Rühl
15:15 |
HL 9.44 |
Phonon properties in Zn1−xMnxSe bulk epilayers and thickness effect on the shape of reststrahlen band — •K. C. Agarwal, B. Daniel, D. Kälblein, C. Klingshirn, and M. Hetterich
15:15 |
HL 9.45 |
PAC-measurements in GaN on alternative Si(111)-based substrates — •J. Penner, R. Vianden, A. Dadgar, and A. Krost
15:15 |
HL 9.46 |
Formation of Antimony rich double layer structures at InP/GaAsSb Interfaces — •Stefan Weeke, Martin Leyer, Markus Pristovsek, and Wolfgang Richter
15:15 |
HL 9.47 |
Characterization of thin sol-gel-deposited high-k zirconia (ZrO2) layers — •Peter Iskra, Michel Kazempoor, Gerhard Lilienkamp, and Winfried Daum
15:15 |
HL 9.48 |
Spontaneous 2D accumulation of charged Be dopants in GaAs p-n superlattices — •Sebastian Landrock, Knut Urban, and Philipp Ebert
15:15 |
HL 9.49 |
Structural study of Cyclopentene on InP(001)(2x4) — •Miron Kropp, Regina Paßmann, Patrick Vogt, Norbert Esser, and Wolfgang Richter
15:15 |
HL 9.50 |
Improving the interface between silicon and La2O3 high-k dielectric — •Sandra Seidel, Christian Wolff, Andreas Aßmuth, Tanja Stimpel-Lindner, Hermann Baumgärtner, and Ignaz Eisele
15:15 |
HL 9.51 |
Band Bending of Sulfur Passivated GaAs: A Raman Investigation — •Steve Pittner, Gianina Nicoleta Gavrila, Georgeta Salvan, Axel Fechner, Marion Friedrich , and Dietrich R. T. Zahn
15:15 |
HL 9.52 |
Charge trapping at Si(100)-ZrO2 interfaces studied by second-harmonic generation — •Bastian Manschwetus, Armin Rumpel, Peter Iskra, Gerhard Lilienkamp, and Winfried Daum
15:15 |
HL 9.53 |
Diluted magnetic semiconductors Sb(2-x)V(x)Te(3) — •Cestmir Drasar, Petr Lostak, Zhenhua Zhou, and Ctirad Uher
15:15 |
HL 9.54 |
Molecular Beam Deposition of La2O3 as high-k gate dielectric — •Christian Wolff, Sandra Seidel, Andreas Assmuth, Oliver S. Senftleben, Tanja Stimpel-Lindner, Hermann Baumgärtner, and Ignaz Eisele
15:15 |
HL 9.55 |
In-situ characterization of the electronic properties of Si-nanoparticles — •Ingo Plümel, Hartmut Wiggers, and Axel Lorke
15:15 |
HL 9.56 |
Quantum coherence and transport in mesoscopic (Ga,Mn)As wires and rings — •Daniel Neumaier, Konrad Wagner, Matthias Reinwald, Werner Wegscheider, and Dieter Weiss
15:15 |
HL 9.57 |
Hydrodynamic Effects in a two dimensional Jet of Interacting Electrons — •Xaver Vögele
15:15 |
HL 9.58 |
Magnetic focusing phenomena in mesoscopic Hall-bar geometries — •Tobias Feil, Kai Bröking, Ragnar Fleischmann, Werner Wegscheider, and Dieter Weiss
15:15 |
HL 9.59 |
Parallel implementation of the recursive Green’s function method — •Panagiotis Drouvelis, Peter Schmelcher, and Peter Bastian
15:15 |
HL 9.60 |
Hall effect measurements at high temperatures in highly resistive materials (CaF2) — •Thomas Geruschke, Peter Blaum, and Reiner Vianden
15:15 |
HL 9.61 |
Ballistic and mode-controlled rectification in high-mobility Si/SiGe cross junctions — •Egmont Fritz, Gang Qiao, Ulrich Wieser, Ulrich Kunze, and Thomas Hackbarth
15:15 |
HL 9.62 |
Spectral function of externally confined electrons in a strong time-dependent field — •Andrea Fromm, Michael Bonitz, and James Dufty
15:15 |
HL 9.63 |
Transient photocurrents of porous semiconductor electrodes permeated with electrolyte — •Sven Rühle, Ivan Ivanov, Valery Skryshevskyy, Jörg Rappich, and Thomas Dittrich
15:15 |
HL 9.64 |
Inertial ballistic rectification in a top-contact metal-oxide-InAs nanostructure — •Markus Wahle, Thorsten Last, Saskia F. Fischer, and Ulrich Kunze
15:15 |
HL 9.65 |
Drift velocity of electrons and Existence of the pinch effect in the Ge-n — •Mehdi Vaezzadeh, Majid Vaezzadeh, Mahmoud Jafari, and Ehsan Noroozifar
15:15 |
HL 9.66 |
Indirect transitions and direct current in semiconductor superlattices generated by application of half-cycle pulses — •Andrey Moskalenko, Alex Matos-Abiague, and Jamal Berakdar
15:15 |
HL 9.67 |
Control of occupations and coherences in semiconductor quantum dots induced by traveling wave packets — •Doris Reiter, Vollrath Martin Axt, and Tilmann Kuhn
15:15 |
HL 9.68 |
Optimized ultrafast optical pumping of a vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser — •Christoph Lange, Wendel Wohlleben, Sangam Chatterjee, Wolfgang Stolz, Marcus Motzkus, and Wolfgang Rühle
15:15 |
HL 9.69 |
Persistent vs. photoinduced currents in semiconductor mesoscopic rings. — •A. Matos-Abiague, A. S. Moskalenko, and J. Berakdar
15:15 |
HL 9.70 |
Profile of a photoconductive THz Emitter excited by an amplified laser system — •Falk Peter, Stephan Winnerl, Andre Dreyhaupt, Harald Schneider, and Manfred Helm
15:15 |
HL 9.71 |
Charge carrier dynamics in graphite and carbon nanotubes observed by time-resolved THz spectroscopy — •Tobias Kampfrath, Luca Perfetti, Christian Frischkorn, and Martin Wolf
15:15 |
HL 9.72 |
Cotunneling through quantum dots with phonon-assisted spin-flip processes — •Jörg Lehmann and Daniel Loss
15:15 |
HL 9.73 |
Non-invasive detection of charge-rearrangement in a quantum dot — •C. Fricke, M. C. Rogge, B. Harke, F. Hohls, M. Reinwald, W. Wegscheider, and R. J. Haug
15:15 |
HL 9.74 |
Coherent single electron spins manipulation in a quantum dot — •Dawid Kupidura, Stefan Ludwig, and Jörg Kotthaus
15:15 |
HL 9.75 |
Signatures of Mixed Phase Space in Open Quantum Dot Arrays — •Roland Brunner, Ronald Meisels, Friedemar Kuchar, Jonathan P. Bird, Richard Akis, and David K. Ferry
15:15 |
HL 9.76 |
Miscellaneous current measurements through carbon nanotubes — •Christoph Würstle, Jens Ebbecke, and Achim Wixforth
15:15 |
HL 9.77 |
Detection of impurities in a Coulmb blockade device — •D. Tutuc, M. C. Rogge, M. Reinwald, W. Wegscheider, and R. J. Haug
15:15 |
HL 9.78 |
Shot noise at a Fermi edge singularity — •N. Maire, T. Lüdtke, F. Hohls, R. J. Haug, and K. Pierz
15:15 |
HL 9.79 |
Magnetotransportmeasurements and electron counting on GaAs/AlGaAs quantum rings — •A. Mühle, R. J. Haug, W. Wegscheider, and M. Bichler
15:15 |
HL 9.80 |
The role of quantum capacitance in coupled low-dimensional electron systems — •Bastian Marquardt, Marco Ruß, Cedrik Meier, Axel Lorke, Dirk Reuter, and Andreas D. Wieck
15:15 |
HL 9.81 |
Magneto-capacitance Spectroscopy of Self-assembled InAs Quantum Dots — •R. Roescu, P. Kailuweit, D. Reuter, and A. D. Wieck
15:15 |
HL 9.82 |
Photoelectronic Transport Imaging (PETI) of Individual Carbon Nanotubes — •Eduardo Lee, Kannan Balasubramanian, Marko Burghard, and Klaus Kern
15:15 |
HL 9.83 |
Low-temperature electrical transport in semiconducting nanowires — •Marc Scheffler, Jorden van Dam, Floris Zwanenburg, and Leo Kouwenhoven
15:15 |
HL 9.84 |
Acoustoelectric current in single GaN-whiskers — •Simone Maisch, Jens Ebbecke, Achim Wixforth, Raffaela Calarco, Ralph Meijers, Michel Marso, and Hans Lüth
15:15 |
HL 9.85 |
Electromigration Forces on Ions in Carbon Nanotube Transistors — •Neng-Ping Wang, Stefan Heinze, and Jerry Tersoff
15:15 |
HL 9.86 |
Spin Injection into Nonmagnetic Semiconductors: Application of a Unified Transport Theory — •U. Wille and R. Lipperheide
15:15 |
HL 9.87 |
Anisotropic magnetoresistance and planar Hall effect in (100) and (311)A GaMnAs — •Thomas Hummel, Michael Glunk, Joachim Däubler, Wladimir Schoch, Wolfgang Limmer, and Rolf Sauer
15:15 |
HL 9.88 |
Lattice parameter and hole density of GaMnAs on GaAs(311)A — •Joachim Däubler, Michael Glunk, Wladimir Schoch, Wolfgang Limmer, and Rolf Sauer
15:15 |
HL 9.89 |
Magneto-Optical Investigation of InGaAs Quantum Dot Spin-LEDs — •J. Fallert, W. Löffler, D. Tröndle, C. Mauser, M. Hetterich, and H. Kalt
15:15 |
HL 9.90 |
Electrical Properties of Fe/GaAs-Heterostructures in Cleaved-Edge-Overgrowth Geometry — •Fang-Yuh Lo, E. Schuster, C. Urban, D. Reuter, W. Keune, U. Köhler, and A. D. Wieck
15:15 |
HL 9.91 |
Magnetic Anisotropies in (Ga,Mn)As-Hallbars — •S. Hümpfner, K. Pappert, O. Rival, T. Borzenko, J. Wenisch, C. Gould, G. Schmidt, and L.W. Molenkamp
15:15 |
HL 9.92 |
Magnetotransport properties and dynamics of domain wall in magnetic nanowires — •Jamal Berakdar, V. K. Dugaev, V. R. Vieira, P. D. Sacramento, J. Barnas, and M. A. N. Araujo
15:15 |
HL 9.93 |
Spin-polarized injection from ferromagnetic semiconductor (Ga,Mn)As into GaAs. — •Andreas Einwanger, Mariusz Ciorga, Janusz Sadowski, Werner Wegscheider, and Dieter Weiss
15:15 |
HL 9.94 |
Acoustically induced spin transport in (110) GaAs quantum wells — •Odilon D. D. Couto, Jörg Rudolph, Yang Guang, Fernando Iikawa, Rudolf Hey, Paulo V. Santos, and Klaus H. Ploog
15:15 |
HL 9.95 |
Theory of relaxation oscillations in semiconductor quantum dot lasers — •Ermin Malic, Moritz Jan Philip Bormann, Eckehard Schöll, and Andreas Knorr
15:15 |
HL 9.96 |
Study of vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser structures in the strong coupling regime by modulation spectroscopy — •B. Metzger, G. Blume, P.J. Klar, and W. Heimbrodt
15:15 |
HL 9.97 |
Characterisation of Ga(N,As,P)/GaP QW structures for III-V lasers on Si substrates by modulation spectroscopy — •C. Karcher, G. Blume, P.J. Klar, B. Kunert, K. Volz, W. Stolz, and W. Heimbrodt
15:15 |
HL 9.98 |
Collective Excitations and Composite Fermions — •G. Meissner and U. Schmitt
15:15 |
HL 9.99 |
Magnetotransport measurement set-up in pulsed magnetic fields up to 60 T — •N. Kozlova, M. Kozlov, D. Eckert, K.-H. Mueller, and L. Schultz
15:15 |
HL 9.100 |
Experimental and Numerical Investigations of the Terahertz Photoconductivity of QH-Systems — •Gabriel Vasile, Christian Stellmach, Yuri Vasilyev, Alexander Hirsch, Günter Hein, Rolf Gerhardts, and Georg Nachtwei
15:15 |
HL 9.101 |
Photoconductivity measurements on Terahertz-HgTe/HgCdTe-Quantum-Hall-detectors — •R. Bonk, C. Stellmach, C. Becker, V. Hock, G. Hein, and G. Nachtwei
15:15 |
HL 9.102 |
Characterization of AlGaN/GaN - heterostructures by means of magnetotransport measurements in high magnetic fields — •K. Knese, F. Vogt, N. Riedel, U. Rossow, E. Sagol, Ch. Stellmach, and G. Nachtwei
15:15 |
HL 9.103 |
Anisotropic magnetization and magnetotransport studies of two- and three-dimensional electron systems in GaAs — •A. Krohn, J. I. Springborn, Ch. Heyn, and D. Grundler
15:15 |
HL 9.104 |
Magnetization of a tunneling coupled double-layer electronsystem and double-layer quantum dots — •O. Rösler, J. Topp, D. Reuter, A.D. Wieck, and D. Grundler
15:15 |
HL 9.105 |
De Haas-van Alphen effect in a two-dimensional electron system with variable carrier density and mobility — •N. Ruhe, J. I. Springborn, M. A. Wilde, Ch. Heyn, and D. Grundler
15:15 |
HL 9.106 |
Magneto-resistance studies on evenly curved Hall bars — •Olrik Schumacher, Miriam Stampe, Christian Heyn, and Wolfgang Hansen
15:15 |
HL 9.107 |
Local properties of disordered fractional quantum hall systems — •Christian Mueller and Daniela Pfannkuche